August readings

The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway The Color Purple - Alice Walker Mom & Me & Mom - Maya Angelou Nietochka Nezvanova = Noches blancas - Fedor M.; Dostoievski The Book Thief - Markus Zusak Alicia a través del espejo/La casa del snark - Lewis Carroll The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel - Neil Gaiman, Neil Gaiman

Ernest Hemingway - The old man and the sea      ★★★


Alice Walker - The color Purple                              ★★★★★


Maya Angelou - Mom & me & mom                         ★★★


Fíodor Dostoievski - Niétoschka Nézvanova          ★★★


Markus Zusak - The book thief                               ★★★★


Lewis Carroll - Though the looking glass                ★


Neil Gaiman - The ocean at the end of the lane     ★★★